Upload a glossary

Upload a glossary to accompany your translation project. Glossaries and style guides are not processed or shown to anybody until you launch your project.


Supported formats

See "Supported formats" section to get a list of supported formats for documents, style guides and glossaries.


You can only add/update/delete glossaries before you launch the project.

Uploading glossary as form data

You can also upload your glossaries by providing their content directly in the POST request. Instead of providing an array of file handles in glossaries parameter, just enter name and data parameters for each glossary file.


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="glossaries[0][name]"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="glossaries[0][data]"

var form = new FormData();
// ....
form.append("glossaries[0][name]", "MyGlossary.xlsx");
form.append("glossaries[0][data]", "[BINARY DATA...]");


You can also upload document and style guide files in this scheme.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!