Configuring library use

You can provide each configuration as an attribute to the <script> tag that you are using to load ActivejS.


import Active from 'motaword-active-js';
import Configuration from 'motaword-active-js/configuration';

const config = new Configuration();
config.accessToken = "my-token";
config.projectId = "123";
config.currentLanguage = "en-US";
config.widgetElement = "#mw-active";
config.renderWidget = true;
config.theme = "light";
config.position = "bottom-left";
config.followUser = true;
config.useDummyTranslations = true;
config.useDynamicTranslations = true;
config.changeMode = "history";
config.urlMode = "path";
config.queryName = "locale";
config.waitForDom = true;

const activeInstance = new Active(config);