Command categories / parent commands

motaword allows you to access all aspects of MotaWord platform, from submitting files for translation to getting reports, from managing your glossary to style guides.

For all commands that motaword support, run:

> motaword help

motaword [command]

Available Commands:
  async               Manage async operations
  auth                Authentication settings
  continuous-projects Manage your continuous projects
  debug               Debug your MotaWord configuration and environment
  documents           Manage documents
  get-access-token    Retrieve an access token to interact with the API.
  glossaries          Manage glossaries
  help                Help about any command
  help-config         Show CLI configuration help
  help-input          Show CLI input help
  projects            Manage projects
  reports             Manage reports
  search              Manage search operations
  static              Manage static endpoints
  stats               Manage stats
  strings             Manage strings
  styleguides         Manage styleguides
  translate           Instantly translate your content with your existing TM and MT resources. This is an alias to `continuous-projects translate`
  users               Manage users
  webhooks            Manage webhooks

  -h, --help                   help for motaword
  -o, --output-format string   Output format [json, yaml] (default "json")
      --profile string         Credentials profile to use for authentication (default "default")
  -q, --query string           Filter / project results using JMESPath
      --raw                    Output result as raw rather than pretty JSON
      --server string          Override server URL
      --v                      Enable WARN level verbose log output
      --verbose                Enable DEBUG level verbose log output, same as --vvv flag
      --vv                     Enable INFO level verbose log output
      --vvv                    Enable DEBUG level verbose log output

Additional help topics:
  motaword blog                Manage blog articles
  motaword clients             Manage client account
  motaword token               Manage token operations

Use "motaword [command] --help" for more information about a command.

These are categories of commands. There are subcommands under each category.